All LBS agencies have the mandate to provide free training in reading, writing, math and basic work skills in order to reach goals of further education and training, employment and/or personal independence. The following local programs delivery Literacy & Basic Skills in Durham Region
The Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program serves adult learners:
- who are Ontario residents;
- whose literacy and basic skills are assessed at intake as being less than the end of Level 3 of the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (IALSS) or the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework;
- who are at least 19 years old. On an exception only basis, LBS service providers may serve young adults between ages 16 to 18 who demonstrate the maturity to benefit from adult education. However, returning to the regular school system should be the priority for these learners; and
- who are proficient enough in speaking and listening to benefit fully from the language of LBS instruction (English or French). This eligibility requirement does not apply to Deaf learners.
Please contact us for a referral and to discuss program options.